COOOOOFFFFFFFEEEEEEEE!!!! It's all the rage. Many give it credit for waking them up, keeping them up, keeping them socially behaved, and...
Fabulous 5
“I'd say I'm a pretty healthy person. I feel good, I work out a few days a week, I eat pretty clean. My lifestyle is busy and I'm always...
IBS and Low Back Pain
While it may seem odd, there seems to be a correlation between IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and low back pain. Coincidence? I think...
Are you tired? Who isn't, right? It is normal to push snooze a few times before actually crawling out of bed. It is normal to drag a...

Macro Counting What are my MACROS? There's all this talk about them and I don't know what the heck everyone is talking about. Do I count...
Calorie Counting
What's the official stance on calorie counting? Is it a thing, or not? The quick answer is YES. Calorie counting, seemingly archaic, has...
Carb Cycling
Carb what? Now you've got me really confused. First calorie counting, then macros, now carb cycling? Seriously? Hear me out. What if...
Have you ever heard of NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis)? No? Well, I'm going to clue you in on this vital information. NEAT...
Exercise is important, everyone knows that. But it's a generally vague suggestion. What qualifies as true, body maintaining exercise?...
Resistance Training
Resistance training, at some capacity, is a NON-NEGOTIABLE requirement. Your body loves it! Look better? Check. Feel better? Check....